Grab the Mic: Women in Cyber
Let’s Cut the Bull: Can (Cyber) Women Really Have it All?
The question, ‘Can women have it all?’ is controversial. But rather than getting into the politics of that specific question, Grab the Mic will explore the work-life balance conundrum that many face.
Time-macho cultures, unrealistic expectations, complicated home-life situations, and family pressures can all contribute to making the work-life balance tightrope that many walk particularly unstable.
‘Grab the Mic’ invites panellists to tell their tales (warts and all) of their mission to ‘have it all’, whatever that means to them. Audience members will be given the chance to grab the mic to share their own experiences and ask questions of our panel.
Maybe it’s time to forget striving to ‘have it all’ (whatever that means) and instead focus on owning what you really want…