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Zero Day Response Service

Pentest People Stand: L42, IASME Pavilion - Q20

Zero Day Response Service

zero-day vulnerability (also known as 0-day) is a security flaw or exploit in software for which no patch, mitigation, or workaround has been developed yet — by the vendor of the affected product, at least. These vulnerabilities become public knowledge once they’re discovered and shared with the world at large.

zero-day attack happens once that vulnerability is exploited and attackers release certain scripts to detect and take advantage of the exploit before the manufacturers/developers have an opportunity to create a patch. Zero-day exploitsand attacks are a major risk for organisations, being aware of them as they’re released is one thing but knowing whether you’re business is at risk to this vulnerability is the main priority. Not only that but how it’s affected your business and whether you’re at urgent risk are questions you need answering.

How Can We Help? 

Pentest People’s unique Zero-Day Response Service is a proactive retainer service that, when a 10/10 CVSS score exploit is released to the public, scans your assets for the vulnerability and lets you know if you’re potentially vulnerable. 

Pentest People use industry-leading tools, along with Penetration Tester’s skills, to ascertain the likelihood of a successful attack and exploitation and produce a report.

The service would be delivered as part of the Pentest People Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) and full access to the SecurePortal and other complementary tools would be provided.

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